
On writing and sharing

I’m back. Well, I don’t know if I’m back back, but I guess I’ve got some things to write, and I’ve been rethinking how I do that.

Obviously, Facebook’s recent controversies have something to do with it —  probably all of them — but I’ve also been mulling over some other things I’ve been reading about male emotional health.

A long time ago, I had LiveJournal for longform private writing about these things. I guess I’ve done a little of that on this blog too, but not much. Facebook basically ended any regular discipline I had on LJ, as short status updates were easier to write, and I lack discipline in most things.

In any event, I’m going to try to write more longform pieces more often, and a blog is a better venue for that. This probably means more personal content on occasion. I’m going to be a little circumspect about some details, but since I can’t trust Facebook to respect my privacy, it might as well be out in the public. Just don’t expect every post to be open to comments. Feel free to reach out on privately (if you know me) if you want to discuss something.