Movies and TV Tabletop Games

GOLD: Episode 5 – Vale of the Mage

As the British team strike out into the California wilderness to meet with DeValdivia, Jackson and Richard discover that the American team is AWOL. Later, while Jon meets with his agent to discuss his future, Richard turns to Cissy for advice and comfort.

This is a great series, and I think it’s important to support media aimed at the gaming community, so please visit the website and watch the show. It’s available on the web, as well as by podcast [iTunes]. GOLD is independently produced, so if you can spare a little money, consider clicking on their donate button.

Movies and TV Tabletop Games

GOLD: Episode 4 – Labyrinth of Madness

When Oliver’s interview airs, announcing the British team’s impending move to California, Jon decides he needs to get his game back by seeking out a dangerous back-alley game. Meanwhile, Richard tries to unite his team by getting them drunk, and Cissy learns some disturbing news about her job.

This is a great series, and I think it’s important to support media aimed at the gaming community, so please visit the website and watch the show. It’s available on the web, as well as by podcast [iTunes]. GOLD is independently produced, so if you can spare a little money, consider clicking on their donate button.

Movies and TV Reviews

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Given that I hadn’t really enjoyed the first Transformers film, I was pretty sure I couldn’t be bothered shelling out any money to see the sequel. I’m not sure why, but I just couldn’t buy into it. Nonetheless, last night I found myself at the local opening of Revenge of the Fallen.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Perhaps I had lowered my expectations (this was not Transformers, this was Michael Bay), perhaps there was something intrinsically better about this film, perhaps it was just Megan Fox in minute after minute of slow-motion goodness, but I had a pretty good time.

I’m not going to waste anybody’s time explaining the plot because it’s a pretty simple Race to Mount Doom style scenario. Sufficie to say that there is much shooting, fighting, and references to energon.

The script is typically great Michael Bay. Full of one liners and witticisms that are delivered at a rapid fire pace to make sure that you don’t realise exactly how crass it all is. There was a lot of toilet humour — not that I mind, but not exactly what I remember from the cartoon I watched as a kid.

The robot-on-robot ninja action was awesome. Optimus Prime breaking out double swords and taking on a small army of Decepticons was nothing short of spectacular.

One thing that did bug me was the sound mix, and I guess it grated on me watching the first one as well. It’s so loud to the point that individual sounds are not discernible from each other. That makes a lot of dialogue unintelligible, and much of the traditional “transforming” sound becomes lost in monstrous but vague industrial machinery noise.

In the end, if you’re either a fan of the first Transformers film, or Michael Bay in general, you will have a great time with Revenge of the Fallen.

Movies and TV Tabletop Games

GOLD: Episode 3 – Heart of the Enemy

Faced with the prospect of battling a reconfigured American team, Oliver Crane launches his British team into a new training program, creating a rift between himself and his lieutenant, Martha. Meanwhile, Jon presses Tim for information about his old team’s training, and Richard forces Sam to choose a character class for the tournament.

This is a great series, and I think it’s important to support media aimed at the gaming community, so please visit the website and watch the show. It’s available on the web, as well as by podcast [iTunes]. GOLD is independently produced, so if you can spare a little money, consider clicking on their donate button.

Movies and TV Tabletop Games

GOLD: Episode 2 – To find a king

As the World Championship looms ever closer, Richard struggles to bring his disjointed team together, while Jon and Jackson come to terms with their exclusion from the games. Meanwhile the British team learn of the new American line-up, which forces them to re-think their strategy, and Cissy confronts Jon about his attitude toward her and his injury.

This is a great series, and I think it’s important to support media aimed at the gaming community, so please visit the website and watch the show. It’s available on the web, as well as by podcast [iTunes]. GOLD is independently produced, so if you can spare a little money, consider clicking on their donate button.