Movies and TV Tabletop Games

GOLD: Episode 1 – When a Star Falls

Following on from the Prologue last week, here is the first proper episode of GOLD. It is two years on, and the team lost the championships. They’re only weeks away from reclaiming their title, but with Jonathan injured, does Richard have what it takes to whip the team into shape?

This is a great series, and I think it’s important to support media aimed at the gaming community, so please visit the website and watch the show. It’s available on the web, as well as by podcast [iTunes]. GOLD is independently produced, so if you can spare a little money, consider clicking on their donate button.

Movies and TV Tabletop Games

GOLD: Prologue – Dark Clouds Gather

GOLD is an online series about a professional roleplaying team, preparing for the upcoming Goblins & Gold championships. The newly appointed team captain, Richard Wright is learning that stardom and leadership are two different things, while the former captain, Jonathan Drake is recovering from an injury that has sidelined him from the competition. Meanwhile, the hobby itself is under threat from dwindling spectator interest, and the British team begins planning their fourth consecutive gold medal.

I’ll be embedding these videos weekly until we catch up with the monthly release schedule. We start with the prologue, which is set two years before the rest of the series.

This is a great series, and I think it’s important to support media aimed at the gaming community, so please visit the website and watch the show. It’s available on the web, as well as by podcast [iTunes]. GOLD is independently produced, so if you can spare a little money, consider clicking on their donate button.

Movies and TV

More T:TSCC post mortem

Stuart Turton at Den of Geek put up a bit of an article examining The Sarah Connor Chronicles’ failure to obtain a third season.

His first assertion is that the show is too introverted, with complex philosophies and character relationships, and a creative team that doesn’t ease newcomers in mid-show. I guess that to a degree, he’s right. There’s a lot to pick up (not as much, as BSG), and without a connection to the characters, you might feel it’s not worth the effort.

Personally, I wouldn’t blame you. As Turton points out, the Terminator name implies robot fights and big explosions. TSCC only occasionally delivers those, and they’re not always very spectatular. Also, the “navel gazing” portion is often in a (to my mind) needlessly self-indulgent format.

I wouldn’t blame any viewer for giving up on the show, and when viewers do that, so do networks.

Movies and TV

Sarah Connor Chronicles Cancelled

That’s right, Fox has made its intentions clear, which is a damn shame given that I’m currently watching it top prep for Terminator 4. I also had some plans for some posts regarding how the show examines conflicting female influences on John Connor’s life, particularly through themes of motherhood. Anyway, I’m going to stop thinking about it and just watch the rest of the show.

Personally, I blame Summer Glau. I mean, she’s great as Cameron (just as she was awesome as River), but is it a coincidence that Fox prematurely axed both TSCC and Firefly?

Movies and TV

Blood: the Last Vampire

Behold the trailer:

Now, it’s been almost a decade since I watched the anime feature, but it didn’t come across half as cool as that trailer did, nor with as much character. I wouldn’t mind seeing this.