Reviews Tabletop Games Video Games

Phenomenon 2009

One of the main reasons I haven’t put out many updates in the last week or so was due to being in Canberra for Phenomenon. Overall, I had a good time. As usual, the con was held at Daramalan College, which was close to the amenities of Dickson shops and all the takeaway Asian you can stomach, and the classrooms with ceiling heaters that made some sessions seem as though they were set in ovens.

Click over for a review of the games we played.

Video Games

Avast! Monkeys ahead!

I know retro gaming is fashionable these days, but I think it’s more than nostalgia that keeps us looking back fondly at the games of our youth. In that spirit, Lucas Arts is bringing Monkey Island to the Xbox 360:

Needless to say, I’m excited about this. I think I’ve even forgotten enough that rediscovering Monkey Island will still be a fun experience! My only concern is whether the controls will be good, but that’s just a minor quibble.

Video Games

E3 announcements looking good this year

I know that people probably say that every year, but I’m excited. Between Monkey Island, MGS5, Dragon Age and others, I ‘m cautiously optimistic about what’s coming.

I can’t compete with the regular gaming sites, and I’m far too busy to even aggregate everything interesting into one place, so you’ll just have to go check out the usual suspects.

In the meantime, checkout these screens from The Beatles: Rock Band

Reviews Video Games


I’ve been casting about for something to fill the void since I completed Fallout 3, and so my brother’s timely gift of Viking: The Battle for Asgard has me wandering around hacking at anything in my path with a sword and an axe.

When I first found this game on the store shelf, I was actually picking up Conan, and the sales assistant told me that Viking was very much a similar game. That is very mucha  simplistic comparison. Sure, they both involve muscle-bound protagonists in a third-person hack ‘n slash fest, but that’s about where the similarities end.

Video Games

Fat princess

I remember some time last year, a bit of a furore erupted over the messages being sent upcoming game Fat Princess. The guys over at Giant Bomb have posted a video of the beta, and I have to say that I don’t give a crap.

It’s a long video, but the gameplay looks great. As the Bombers describe it, it’s a cross between deathmatch, capture the flag, and an RTS. There’s all kinds of awesome in this. The visuals are ironically cute, a kind of Castle Crashers mixed with Warcraft II.

The goal of the game is to capture your enemy’s Princess. You make your own princess defensible by fattening her up with cake. I’m not sure how this is offensive. It’s harmless fun, and the amount of cartoon blood is probably more worrying.

In any event, this looks like something worth picking up when it comes out.