
It doesn’t seem fair

This one’s difficult to write. Last week our youngest cat was hit by a car. We don’t know what she was doing on the road. Piper was a homebody. She was allowed out unsupervised, but had never shown any interest in the road. Most likely, she was in our front yard and something scared or chased her out there. She was black, it was night, and our street is a bit of a thoroughfare. Easy math, but it’s not really productive to dwell on reasons. Knowing won’t change it.

The effect on our family has been devastating. The house feels emptier without Piper. She was a homebody, and around much more than either Apollo or Cleo. Very much a lap cat, she was always up for a cuddle and a pat. I still miss her jumping up on the bed when my alarm goes off, making sure that I was going to show her that there was still food left over from the previous night.