I really wish that I was as quick as Randall Munroe. I love his brand of satire (as well as his nerd-oriented humour). The Facebook feature he mocks in the above cartoon really does bother me, and he’s captured the creepiness well.
One of the more enjoyable webcomics of the last couple years was Chainmail Bikini, written by Shamus Young, drawn by Shawn Gaston, and (originally) hosted by Fear the Boot.
The comic ended abruptly after a fairly limited run, but it was a great dig at gamers in a Knights of the Dinner Table fashion. The archetypes are different, but more current.
Anyway, Shawn and Shamus recently relaunched Chainmail Bikini. They’ll be going through the original run of the comics but not much beyond that point, which is fine because what they did manage to put out is awesome. If you’re an old fan, you probably stopped reading several paragraphs ago. If you’re new, then I recommend going over and checking it out.